A Chess Opening Repertoire for Blitz and Rapid - eBook

Sharp, Surprising and Forcing Lines for Black and White
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Description / A Chess Opening Repertoire for Blitz and Rapid - eBook

In modern chess, faster time controls have become more important than ever. Every day, countless numbers of rated blitz and rapid games are being played in online and over-the-board competitions and championships.

In blitz chess it is important to make the right decisions quickly and almost instinctively.

That is why world-famous opening expert, the late Grandmaster Evgeny Sveshnikov, and his son, International Master Vladimir Sveshnikov, have created an opening repertoire for club players that is forcing, both narrow and deep, and aggressive.

The aim is to be in control as much as possible. You want to be the one who decides which opening is going to be played, you want to dictate the strategical and technical choices. And you want to keep the pressure, increasing your opponent’s chances to stumble.

If you play the lines the Sveshnikovs have selected, you will not end up in positions where finding the theoretically best move is all-important, but in positions where it is relatively easy to spot the moves with the greatest practical effect.

Your results will improve and you will probably end up playing their variations in ‘slow chess’ as well.

Grandmaster Evgeny Sveshnikov is one of the most respected chess opening experts in the world. He recently published the bestselling opening monographs ‘The Complete c3 Sicilian’, ‘The Grand-Prix Attack’ and ‘Sveshnikov vs the Anti-Sicilians’. His son, International Master Vladimir Sveshnikov is an experienced chess trainer.

GM Glenn Flear, author of 'Starting Out: Open Games':
"Exactly the book that many players could do with on their bookshelves (..) Many amateurs (..) need some easy-to-learn, but challenging systems that create problems for their opponents rather than themselves (..) The whole project is such a clever idea: Why hadn't anyone else thought of this before? (..) If you play Rapid or Blitz it's definitely worth getting even if you use only 10% of the material."

Elburg Chess Reviews:
"Father and son Sveshnikov provide the reader with a well-thought-out and creative repertoire concept. One of the best off-beat repertoire books!"

Dennis Monokroussos, The Chess Mind:
"I think it's safe to say the following about all of their repertoire choices: (1) They are fundamentally sound ... (2) They all lead to interesting, complicated and non-traditional positions (3) None of them is maximalist: Black is unlikely to equalize and White is unlikely to obtain a theoretical advantage against a well-prepared opponent ... There is lots of analyis AND lots of explanatory text."

Paul Hopwood, CHESS Magazine:
"If the prospective reader is interested in getting away from the main lines, and playing a series of openings that are often underestimated, then this book provides plenty of suitable ammunition."

More Information

ISBN 9789056916046
Weight 0.000000
Publisher New In Chess
Number of pages 416
Publication date Mar 1, 2016
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