Chess Magazine November 2021

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Description / Chess Magazine November 2021

In this issue:


Malcolm Pein on the latest developments in the game

Back with a Bang..................................................................................................8

Luke McShane enjoyed the return of chess to the Isle of Man

Sigeman Shines ..................................................................................................12

Nigel Short and Gawain Jones chased home Jorden van Foreest

Second Half Stunner........................................................................................13

The world champion dug deep to turn things round at Norway Chess

The Counter-Break III .....................................................................................18

José Vilela explains more about meeting a pawn break with another

A Sense of Urgency .........................................................................................22

Julian Way takes a look at the attacking genius of Vadim Zvjaginsev

How Good is Your Chess?..............................................................................25

Daniel King has been working hard on the Kalashnikov of late

60 Seconds with...Anastasia Sorokina....................................................28

We catch up with the FIDE VP and niece of Viktor Kupreichik

Guildford Chess Clubs Turns 125!............................................................30

Nigel Povah reports on the big day of celebration on the High Street

All the President’s Men.................................................................................31

Ben Graff explores a turbulent period in FIDE’s history

Rereading Reykjavik.........................................................................................34

Stewart Player explores why Spassky may have lost to Fischer

Never Mind the Grandmasters... ................................................................36

Carl features his good friend and new IM Marcus Harvey

Tactical Toughies ...............................................................................................38

Nine recent positions for you to have a go at solving

Strategic Skills....................................................................................................40

Instructive recents wins from Alireza Firouzja and Conor Murphy

Find the Winning Moves.................................................................................42

Geoff Chandler presents 20 puzzles from the games of James Aitken

Home News..........................................................................................................46

News from the Terafinal and on Nick Pert winning the British

Studies with Stephenson...............................................................................49

Brian presents one of his own compositions for you to try and solve

Overseas News...................................................................................................50

Success for Baden-Baden, Terry Chapman, Dominguez Perez & MVL

Forthcoming Events.........................................................................................51

Solutions ...............................................................................................................53

This Month’s Ne

More Information

Weight 154.000000
Publisher Chess & Bridge London
Number of pages 60
Publication date Nov 10, 2021
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