Eight Good Men

The 2020-2021 Candidates Tournament
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Description / Eight Good Men

The 2020-2021 FIDE Candidates Tournament held in Ekaterinburg, starring super-grandmasters Ian Nepomniachtchi, Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, Anish Giri, Fabiano Caruana, Ding Liren, Alexander Grischuk, Kirill Alekseenko and Wang Hao, delivered an awesome display of fighting chess.

Grandmaster and FIDE Senior Trainer Dorian Rogozenco, coach of the German national team from 2014-2020, provides a comprehensive move by move analysis of all 56 games together with an assembled Dream Team of 13 super-class GM guest commentators including Garry Kasparov and Boris Gelfand.

The commentary covers opening strategy and novelties, middlegame battles and instructive endgames, psychology and practical observations, together comprising a swathe of learning material valuable to players from club level to titled masters.

The book is illustrated with a selection of official FIDE photographer Lennart Ootes’s best shots from both halves of the event.

More Information

ISBN 9785604177075
Weight 524.000000
Publisher ELK and RUBY
Number of pages 339
Publication date Jun 6, 2021
Choose your edition Paperback

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