Grandmaster Repertoire - Leningrad Dutch

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Description / Grandmaster Repertoire - Leningrad Dutch

The Dutch is renowned as a fighting weapon against 1.d4, as 1...f5 immediately sets up an unbalanced struggle. Then Black’s kingside fianchetto, which defines the Leningrad Dutch, allows pawn-storming play in similar style to the King’s Indian Defence. Mihail Marin is the ideal author to explain both the strategic ideas and the latest theory.

Leningrad Dutch covers lines where White also fianchettoes the king’s bishop – these lines are the critical test of the Leningrad. The companion volume, Dutch Sidelines, completes Black’s Dutch repertoire.

Mihail Marin is a grandmaster from Romania. His previous books have established him as one of the world’s finest chess authors.

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ISBN 9781784831011
Weight 650.000000
Publisher Quality Chess U.K.
Number of pages 344
Publication date Jun 9, 2021
Choose your edition Paperback

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