Manual for Chess Trainers Step 1

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Description / Manual for Chess Trainers Step 1
The step-by-step method has been developed by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden to teach children to play chess. A large number of schools and chess clubs in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria use this method for their chess lessons.
This method consists of six steps. Each step is accompanied with an instruction book with the teaching material to be used by the trainer / teacher / parent and a workbook with exercises for the students.
Step 1
In the first step all the rules of the chess game are introduced. Furthermore, much attention is paid to developing of the basic skills, necessary to play chess. Comparing with other books for beginners the step-by-step method introduces an unique sequence of the teaching material.
Learning how to mate is postponed as long as possible. This sounds astonishing and even incredible but up till now, practice has shown that this approach works perfectly. Children learn to play chess very well, for sure if they get enough time in between to play and practice.
The 'first step' consists of a manual for the trainer and workbooks for the students: step 1, step 1 extra and step 1 plus. There are special books available for children from 6 till about 9 years old: the stepping stones.
Manual Step 1 is a great support for the trainer, even if he is an experienced one. Ready made lessons, hints how to use the workbooks, how to give assistance, and so on. Almost everything is to be found there.
Preface ...4
The First Step ...5
How children learn to play chess ...5
Organisation ...9
Motivation ...10
Teaching ...11
- Orientation ...14
- Prior knowledge ...14
- Acquisition ...15
- Practice ...19
- Testing ...27
Running groups ...28
Certificates ...32
Indications for the use of this manual ...33
Basic lessons
1: The board and pieces ...34
2: How the pieces move ...39
3: Attack and capture ...46
4: The pawn ...54
5: Defending ...61
6: Check ...69
7: Mate (1) ...75
8: Mate (2) ...82
9: Castling ...92
10: The profitable exchange ...97
11: The twofold attack ...104
12: Draw ...110
13: Mating with the queen ...115
14: Taking en passant ...119
15: The notation ...122
Stepping Stones ...127
The "chess lessons" ...132
Additional Workbooks ...147
Plus Lessons
1+: Winning material ...149
2+: Defending ...155
3+: Mate ...163
4+: Board vision ...168
5+: Defending against mate ...176
6+: Draws ...181
7+: Creating mate ...185
8+: The passed pawn ...190
• List of concepts ...196
• The steps ...200
Save 10% on: The Complete Step-by Step Method (6 Workbooks + 6 Manuals)
More Information
ISBN | 9789077275351 |
Weight | 296.000000 |
Publisher | Van Wijgerden |
Number of pages | 200 |
Publication date | Oct 13, 2009 |
Choose your edition | Paperback |