Mayhem in the Morra!

A complete anti-Sicilian repertoire
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Description / Mayhem in the Morra!

The Morra Gambit is a popular weapon at club level, but can it be effective at GM level? Marc Esserman believes so and he has 2700-rated scalps to back up his view.

Mayhem in the Morra offers a complete fighting repertoire for White against the Sicilian with 1.e4 c5 2.d4 cxd4 3.c3.

Esserman is the world's leading expert on the Morra Gambit and he shares all his secrets and many novelties in a lively witty style. The Morra leads to exciting gambit play, so some players decline the offer with 3...Nf6 - Esserman also shows how White can attack this cautious defence.

Don't be afraid of the Sicilian - unleash Mayhem in the Morra!

• A complete anti-Sicilian repertoire
• Ideal for attacking players
• Hundreds of novelties and improvements

Marc Esserman is an IM from the USA who has played and analysed the Morra Gambit for most of his life.

Three-times US Champion GM Larry Christiansen:
"In 2011, when preparing for the US Championship, I decided to employ the Morra Gambit as a surprise weapon if given the chance. Marc supplied me with a vast amount of analysis and novelties for that tournament and I became convinced that the gambit was not only dangerous, but perfectly sound. There is no greater authority in the world on this line than Marc Esserman and he lays it all out there in this book."

GM Loek van Wely on playing Marc Esserman at the 2009 Foxwood Open:
"I thought: Is he serious? Are we going to play coffeehouse today? Now I know the answer, and the answer is yes! I got crushed in an impressive way, leaving me both groggy and completely mad, forcing me to consider the Morra seriously for the first time in my life.."

More Information

ISBN 9781907982200
Weight 592.000000
Publisher Quality Chess U.K.
Number of pages 360
Publication date Jan 26, 2010
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