Secrets of Positional Sacrifice

The second book from the Nestorovic family chess workshop.
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Description / Secrets of Positional Sacrifice


· 64 deeply annotated instructive games

· 5 areas of positional sacrifice

· Carefully selected exercises with solutions

“Secrets of Positional Sacrifice” is the second book, created within the premises of the Nestorovi. family chess workshop. I would like to mention that the whole family contributed to this book. We are also extremely thankful to our friends, who, thanks to their previous experience, have introduced us to the process of creating chess books, with their invaluable advice and ideas.

Although the book mostly covers the more recent games, we could not help but include the beautiful creations of “old masters”, that we consider classical today. When it comes to dividing the book into chapters, there were multiple, interesting possibilities, but we opted for sectioning it based on a subject of sacrifice. Hence, there are five chapters within the book: positional pawn sacrifice, exchange sacrifice, piece sacrifice, queen sacrifice and finally, the unavoidable section dedicated to the classics.

GM Nikola Nestorovi.

More Information

ISBN 9788672971194
Weight 670.000000
Publisher Informant Publishing
Number of pages 324
Publication date Jun 29, 2021
Choose your edition Hardcover

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