Strategic Chess Exercises

Find the Right Way to Outplay Your Opponent

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Description / Strategic Chess Exercises

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Books on chess exercises are usually about tactics. But in most of the positions that you think about during a game, there is no tactical solution. What you are doing most of the time is trying to find a way to improve your position or weaken your opponent's, by applying strategic rules.

Experienced chess trainer Emmanuel Bricard has created a practical exercise manual with carefully selected and tested training positions that teach you how to develop the right plan.

This book is for you if you want to:

  • know what to do if there is no tactical solution
  • improve your understanding of chess strategy
  • learn how to apply strategic principles in concrete positions
  • gain time on the clock by having to calculate fewer variations
  • learn how to accumulate advantages in various types of positions
  • be inspired by great examples of strategy.

The level of difficulty of the exercises varies as this manual is intended for a wide range of club players. The majority of the exercises are middlegame positions, but additionally there is a large section of endgame tests as well. After working with Strategic Chess Exercises you will spend less time on finding better plans, and outplay your opponents more often!

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"Bricard is clearly a very gifted trainer. He selected a superb range of positions and explains the solutions extremely well. If you are willing to put in the work to improve in chess, this is the perfect book" -- Grandmaster Daniel King

"I like this book. Anyone carefully studying the material will definitely be able to develop their understanding of middlegame and endgame positons" -- Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine (UK)

"Useful exercises with positions that are not on fire = Recommended for chess trainers and ambitious players with a rating between 1800 and 2200" -- Florian Jacobs, Max Euwe Center Amsterdam

"Unlike tactical problems (poorly chosen) strategic puzzles can easily lead the reader thinking ‘well that’s your opinion’. Bricard has managed to put together a high-quality set of exercises that mimics quite well the decision-making process you go through in a game. His explanations are extremely clear and detailed." -- Former British Champion Matthew Sadler

"Happy to see a trainer sharing his index cards with the rest of us. The examples are rich, allow the reader to find his weak spots and improve. This book has a high teaching value." -- Miguel Ararat, Florida Chess

"Even if the names of the players are familiar, the games and the exercises are fresh. Care has been taken over the solutions. For chess coaches this book is nothing short of phenomenal" -- Carsten Hansen, American Chess Magazine

"Emmanuel Bricard has created a fine collection of his own training material. He explains well and mentions a lot of alternative moves, so you will almost always encounter the move you yourself chose as solution" -- Jordy Schouten, Schaaksite


More Information

ISBN 9789056917609
Weight 419.000000
Publisher New In Chess
Number of pages 224
Publication date Apr 3, 2020

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