Tactics Time

1001 Chess Tactics from the Real Games of Everyday Chess Players
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Description / Tactics Time

The best way to improve at chess is to solve tactics puzzles. But why do regular tactics books make amateurs study master games? Is it useful for beginners to analyze games that are unreal for everyday chess players?

In the real world of beginning and casual players openings are dubious, positions are messy, material is uneven, and cheap traps and oversights are occurring almost constantly. Most amateur games are won by rather primitive means, compared to the cool and fancy moves that masters need in order to gain victory.

This book only takes positions from genuine amateur games and puts them out there, warts and all. Tim Brennan and Anthea Carson have assembled thousands of games by everyday players, and selected the most instructive tactical examples.  

If you want to improve at chess but have limited time and energy available, this is your book! Now you can study positions that are happening in games you yourself might have played!

A very helpful book for beginners and casual players.

Grandmaster Alex Fishbein:
“These problems are not contrived - they are the types of tactics likely to occur in a real game. Tim Brennan and Anthea Carson made sure to include diverse positions; you will find opening checkmates and pawn endings.”

James E. DuBois, ChessCafe:
"'Tactics Time' is right on the mark for its intended audience, say, for players rated up to 1200 or so."

Sean Marsh, CHESS Magazine:
"Ideal for juniors and inexperienced club players wanting to build up their solving confidence and to learn some new tactical ideas along the way."

More Information

ISBN 9789056914387
Weight 282.000000
Publisher New In Chess
Number of pages 144
Publication date Jan 1, 2013
Choose your edition Paperback