The Modernized Modern Defense

Daniel Fernandez on the Modern Defense.
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Description / The Modernized Modern Defense

The very first line of this book’s introduction was so important, it had to be on the back cover as well:
“The Modern is not an opening. It is a philosophy.” A philosophy, one might add, that many players
the world over adhere to: a mischievous and undogmatic attitude towards the game, a preference
for understanding-based chess, and a faith that the bishop on g7 will prove its worth later in the
But can this cavalier, “chess is art” approach still work in the modern computer era? In this book, you
will see how you can make it work. Drawing on a decade of his own experience using the Modern as
one of his main weapons, Fernandez explains the concepts and theory in rigorous detail, all the while
not forgetting that chess is to be played for fun.
GM Daniel Fernandez (b.1995) is the leader of a promising generation of English chess
players. He won several national under-18 and under-21 titles and has since coached
other players to do the same. During his masters' degree he has also become known
for his work as an author. He is a regular columnist at ChessPublishing and this is his
second book for Thinkers, the first being The Modernized Caro-Kann(2018.)

More Information

ISBN 9789492510884
Weight 500.000000
Publisher Thinkers Publishing
Number of pages 376
Publication date Jul 31, 2020
Choose your edition Paperback

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