The Modernized Sveshnikov

Robert Ris on the Sveshnikov.
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Description / The Modernized Sveshnikov

The Sveshnikov is undeniably one of the most dynamic and aggressive Sicilians available these days.

Most recently, it was made popular again by World Champion Magnus Carlsen in his match against Fabiano Caruana at the end of 2018.

The main lines lead to complex positions, and a deep knowledge and understanding of the opening is a real necessity for any player who wishes to enter this battlefield.

Our author, Robert Ris, focuses on all the current developments, highlighting the most important and instructive games from recent years, using his own over-the board experiences.

Ris is well known for his theoretical knowledge and overall opening expertise. And we are quite convinced that he provides Sicilian players with an up-to date arsenal for playing the Sveshnikov.

More Information

ISBN 9789492510839
Weight 616.000000
Publisher Thinkers Publishing
Number of pages 325
Publication date Jun 19, 2020
Choose your edition Paperback

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