The Ultimate Anti-Grünfeld

A Sämisch Repertoire
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Description / The Ultimate Anti-Grünfeld

This book offers a White repertoire with 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.f3. The move order is an effective Anti-Grünfeld weapon, but it also allows an alternative approach to the King's Indian.

While Svetushkin's main repertoire against 3...Bg7 4.e4 d6 5.Nc3 transposes to the Sämisch, the author also discusses the original set-up with postponed Nbc3. It brings about fresh unexplored positions.

GM Dmitry Svetushkin is one of the best Moldovan players. His current rating is 2608. He learned chess at 5, at 12 he was already winning national championships for kids. Svetushkin played in 6 Olympiads and at the last one scored "+" - an all-time record for his team. He works a lot with V. Bologan and coaches young talent.

More Information

ISBN 9789548782944
Weight 312.000000
Publisher Chess Stars ltd.
Number of pages 232
Publication date Jan 1, 2013
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