Think Like a Super-GM - Hardcover

Combining the chess insights of an elite GM with a scientific investigation into thinking at the chess board
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Description / Think Like a Super-GM - Hardcover

Think Like a Super-GM is a unique collaboration combining the chess insights of an elite grandmaster with a scientific investigation into thinking at the chess board.

40 chess puzzles were shown to a panel of players ranging from occasional club players up to Super-GM and co-author Michael Adams. Researcher Philip Hurtado recorded not only the moves chosen, but also the detailed thought processes of every player in order to shed light on the mystery as to what exactly defines superior chess strength.

This book offers a unique opportunity for readers to not only solve the puzzles, but also compare their thinking to that of club players, strong amateurs, IMs, GMs and Michael Adams himself. With an additional Bonus Puzzle section and a fascinating Eyetracker experiment showing where different players focused their attention on the board, this is a chess improvement book like no other.

GM Michael Adams is a World Championship finalist and long-time British number one, with a peak ranking of 4th in the world.

Philip Hurtado is an engineer, physicist, statistician and passionate amateur chess player.

More Information

ISBN 9781784831684
Weight 1050.000000
Publisher Quality Chess U.K.
Number of pages 464
Publication date Mar 22, 2022
Choose your edition Hardcover

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