Veselin Topalov

Selected Games of the Ex-World Chess Champion
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Description / Veselin Topalov

Veselin Topalov is one of the best known names in global chess. One of the world's top grandmasters, ex-FIDE World Champion Topalov has been a stable feature of elite chess for many years.

His dynamic, uncompromising style has gained the adulation of countless fans among both amateurs and professional grandmasters, including the author of this book. Azeri grandmaster Sarhan Guliev has spent several years analyzing Veselin's games, which prompted the idea of putting together this collection of his favourites.

The book has been fully approved by the man himself, Grandmaster Topalov, who has kindly written a foreword. It will without doubt be useful to a wide range of chess lovers.

Veselin Topalov:
“I hope that readers will enjoy this book. It only remains for me to say a huge ‘thank you’ to Grandmaster Guliev for his captivating analysis of my games.”

More Information

ISBN 9785946935951
Weight 680.000000
Publisher Russian Chess House
Number of pages 467
Publication date Mar 1, 2018
Choose your edition Hardcover

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