Yearbook 131

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Description / Yearbook 131
New In Chess Yearbook, which appears four times a year, contains the latest news in chess openings. Each issue brings you dozens of new ideas on the cutting edge of modern chess opening theory. Have a look at what this issue has to offer.
In the Forum this time we have a hot novelty by Andras Adorjan that never saw the light of day. There are several historical contributions (of course not forgetting the new developments!) by René Olthof and A.C. van der Tak and a couple of interesting letters by theoretically well-versed readers.
From Our Own Correspondent
In his 6th column about correspondence chess, Erwin l’Ami aims to prove that Black is still OK theoretically also on email, though in this column the score is 5:0 for White! We see, among others, an amazing new knight move for White in the Classical King’s Indian, an exotic line of the Dutch Defence, and even a serious correspondence player who employs the Albin Countergambit.
In Glenn Flear’s Reviews column the discussion about certain opening names crops up again. Flear reviews Gennadi Timoschenko’s controversial book on The Chelyabinsk Variation (which some of us will know as the Sveshnikov Variation) of the Sicilian, also the more general treatment of The Sicilian Defense by Jerzy Konikowski and Uwe Bekemann, Maxim Chetverik’s The Queen’s Indian Defense Main Line 4.g3 System and the highly ambitious new book by Ivan Sokolov and Ivan Salgado Lopez, The Chigorin Bible.
1.e4 openings
- Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Bg5 h5 - Karolyi
- Sicilian Defence - Najdorf Variation 6.Be3 e5 7.Nb3 - Andriasyan
- Sicilian Defence - Scheveningen Variation 6 .g4 - Lukacs/Hazai
- Sicilian Defence - Richter-Rauzer Variation 9.f4 Be7 - Gupta
- Caro-Kann Defence - Advance Variation 3...Bf5 4.h4 - Saric
- Scandinavian Defence - Main Line 3...Qd5 - Petrov
- Petroff Defence - 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nd3 - Motylev
- Ruy Lopez - Berlin Defence 6.dxe5 - Ponomariov
- Ruy Lopez - Smyslov Variation 4 . . .g6 - K.Szabo
- Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 5 .d4 - Panczyk/Ilczuk
- Italian Game - Giuoco Piano 6 . . .d5 - Kravtsiv
- Various Openings - Grob 1.g4 - Adorjan/Vegh
1.d4 openings
- Queen’s Gambit Declined - Blackburne Variation 5.Bf4 - l’Ami
- Queen’s Gambit Declined - Arbakov Attack 6.Bxc4 - Vilela
- Queen’s Gambit Declined - Janowski Variation 3 . . .a6 - Ris
- Slav Defence - Early Divergences 4.Qc2 dxc4 - Quintiliano
- Slav Defence - Slow Slav 4 .e3 a6 - Gledura
- Nimzo-Indian Defence - Ragozin Variation 5.Qa4+ Nc6 - Timman
- Grünfeld Indian Defence - Fianchetto Variation 7.Qb3 - Vigorito
- Benoni Defence - Benko Gambit 4.cxb5 - Fogarasi
- Queen’s Pawn Openings - Barry Attack 4.Bf4 - Olthof
- Queen’s Pawn Openings - 3.g3 b5 - Ilczuk/Panczyk
- Queen’s Pawn Openings - London System 2.Bf4 c5 - Van Delft
- English Opening - Reversed Sicilian 3.g3 Bb4 4.e4 - Cummings
- English Opening - Reversed Sicilian 3 . . .f5 - Ikonnikov
- English Opening - Symmetrical Variation 3 . . .d5 - Bosch
- English Opening - Anti-Grünfeld 2 . . .d5 - Marin/Stoica
With more than 75 practical opening exercises to test your understanding.
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More Information
ISBN | 9789056918392 |
Weight | 460.000000 |
Publisher | New In Chess |
Number of pages | 256 |
Publication date | Jun 12, 2019 |
Choose your edition | Paperback |